Waste & Recycling
Council has continued to implement responsible waste management practices at the Kimba Refuse Depot following the audits and inspections by both the Mutual Liability Scheme and the Environment Protection Agency.
The main change resulting from these inspections and audits has been the introduction of restricted and supervised access. These are a condition of Council's licence and must be adhered to, despite the concerns voiced by residents and ratepayers. It must be realised that it is better to have restricted and supervised access, than to have no access, which would be the result if Council's licence were revoked.
A waste management fee is paid by Kimba township residents. Waste collection in Kimba occurs every Thursday to pick up residents every day waste, and First Thursday of each month is recycling.
Please see attached document of what you can and can not recycle below.
The operating hours of the Kimba Refuse Depot are:
Sunday | 9.00 am - 12.00 pm |
Listed below are the options available to residents for waste disposal:
E-Waste Recycling
Please contact Council on 08 8627 2026 regarding e-waste recycling.
Council encourages farmers to ring the office and make a booking for the disposal of DrumMuster approved chemical containers. This way a suitable time for both farmers and council can be allocated. This method of delivery is in place rather than set days which may not suit. Please contact the office on 8627 2026 for a booking.