Other Charges

Service Charge

Council provides specific services for the benefit of specific properties for which specific service rates and/or annual charges are levied. Where a service that is subject to a service charge is available to non-rateable land, a service charge is levied against that land. Service rates and/or charges may be raised to cover the cost of establishing, operating, maintaining, improving and replacing such services. Funds raised must not be utilised for any other purpose, and surplus service rates and/or charges must be set aside for future replacement of the assets employed in the provision of the service.

Council has declared the following services rates and/or charges for the 2024/25 financial year, applicable only to properties which directly benefit from such services:

CWMS Vacant & Occupied Allotment:  $305.00

Waste Management - Township  Properties:  $253.00

Council has decided to raise the above revenue because of:

  • The number of rateable and non-rateable properties receiving the service
  • The equity, benefit and ability to pay principles of taxation
  • The concept of user pays and any mitigating factors
  • The nature of the service
  • The cost to operate and maintain the service
  • The capital costs to establish the service
  • The costs to improve or replace the service
  • The level of usage of the service
  • Recognition that the value of a property is likely to be enhanced by the availability of the service, whether or not the service is actually being used.

Effluent Charges

The Council provides a septic tank effluent disposal system to properties in Kimba. Everyone connected to the scheme (or in the case of a vacant lot - able to be connected) is required to pay a service charge, which is included on the rate account. The funds received through this charge go towards operating and maintaining the service, as well as to a reserve account for its future replacement.

Council are currently undertaking a desludging contract for all properties in the Kimba township.