Council has considered the impact of rates on all businesses in the Council area, including primary production. In considering the impact, Council assessed the following matters:
- The equity of the distribution of the rate burden between classes of ratepayers. Council has declared lower rates in the dollar in different areas, such as rural land outside of the Kimba township, to more evenly share the impact of rates in relation to the cost of services provided to the different areas and classes of ratepayers. Businesses in the Kimba township pay the same rate in the dollar as all other property classes within the township
- Current local, state and national economic conditions and expected changes during the current financial year
- Changes in the valuation of properties from the previous financial year
- Specific Council projects for the coming year that will solely or principally benefit business and primary producers
- Specific infrastructure maintenance issues that will solely or principally benefit businesses and primary producers eg rural roads.
Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board Levy
The regional landscape levy (previously known as the NRM levy) is paid by all ratepayers across South Australia – recognising that all landowners are responsible for sustaining and managing our state’s landscapes for the benefit of all community members. It’s not a new levy, but it has been improved to help fund the state’s regional landscape boards (previously known as Natural Resource Management boards). Regional landscape levies are raised by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board to fund projects and programs to enable landholders, industry and the community to be directly responsible for sustainably managing their region’s landscapes with an emphasis on land and water management, biodiversity and pest animal and plant control.